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Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Got Junky Drawers? Let's Get Them Organized!

Just say NO to junky drawers! Noooo, not those kind of junky drawers! LOL I'm talking about how every drawer in your house looks like what we call a "junk drawer." Since I can remember, I've always been an organizer. Whenever the family needs something organized or packed well, they always call on me to take on the task because I can just visualize a way to get the most out of a space.

So, naturally, I really hate having messy drawers that you have to dig through a bunch of junk to find what you're looking for; thereby making it all that much messier. It was sometime in high school, when digging through my bathroom drawers for makeup products, that I came up with the idea to use various containers inside drawers to keep things neat and orderly. No more rummaging around because everything's right there at your fingertips.

Since I'm also a "green" person who wants to keep the whole world clean, I thought I'd share the following to give you some ideas about how to better organize your drawers that will work for any drawer in any room -- and without spending a lot of money, if any. Many things you need for these projects can be found cheaply at the dollar store.

You may even find some things around the house that you could use -- bowls, plates, cookie tins, square baking pans, etc. Cardboard boxes are also good to use, but only if they're sturdy and will last a good long while -- like shoe boxes with the depth cut to fit a drawer. Personally, other than buying plastic drawer organizers, I've repurposed old checkbook boxes to organize my office supplies in both cabinets and drawers. If you prefer, any cardboard box can easily be decorated with things like fabric or adhesive drawer liners.

My first idea involves using metal mesh baskets and thin metal bowls with Velcro, which can be found cheaply at your local dollar store or even Wal-Mart, if you don't already have some lying around the house. The Velcro is for keeping things from moving around when opening and closing the drawer. Of course, this will also work with plastic containers, bowls, and the like, as long as the bottom rests flat on the surface so the Velcro makes contact.

What You Will Need:

Best Method:

Before you do anything, arrange the containers in the drawer until you've determined that you've made the most out of the space. It's a good idea to keep the larger containers towards the back and the smaller ones at front so you can easily grab what you need. Considering that you'll be using Velcro, you'll also need to make sure you...

Attach the velcro to the bottom of the containers, keeping both sides of the velcro together, but don't remove the tape from the adhesive until you're ready to start placing them in the drawer:

Starting with the containers that go in the back, remove the tape from the adhesive and carefully place the containers in the spots you previously determined. Once a container is in place, press down firmly on the spots where the velcro is attached to make sure the adhesive has made full contact with the drawer:

When you're done, you'll be so proud of yourself and happy to finally have a neat and organized drawer!

So, as I said...Just say NO to Junky Drawers! =)

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